The card has been widely used to fuel cards requiring discard and specifically discard of lands such as Solitary Confinement, Seismic Assault and Retrace cards such as Raven's Crime.Welcome to dredgeless dredge. It was also widely used to regrow other utility lands like Wasteland and Cephalid Coliseum. In combination with Onslaught cycling lands it is regrowable at instant speed and Onslaught fetch lands it gives color stability.
Life from the Loam works as an engine producing additional targets for itself when dredging. The dredge card Life from the Loam has since its release found widespread tournament use fueling a wide array of decks. As more graveyard payoffs and discard enablers were printed, Dredge decks become mainstays of all Eternal formats - Prized Amalgam and Creeping Chill in Modern, Bridge from Below and Breakthrough in Legacy, and Bazaar of Baghdad and Serum Powder in Vintage.
The Extended Friggorid deck was a common deck archetype built around this mechanic. Such decks work best with cards with high dredge values, such as Golgari Grave-Troll and Stinkweed Imp. A famous deck based on Ichorid originated from this concept. One of the most popular uses of dredge is to use it to quickly fill your graveyard.